NCECA Project Space, Room

Project Space Survey Results (out of 128 people)
Emotional Responses
Cautious — 88
Intrigue — 75
Discomfort — 59
Excitement — 43
Fear — 21
Panic — 19
Calm — 17
Safe — 10
Other Emotions — Dizzy (5), Nausea (4), Anxious (4), Heart-Racing (3), Blurred-Vision (2), Nervous (2), Unsettling (2), Concern, Creepy, Horror, Apprehension, Worried, Disoriented, Unsafe, Overwhelmed, Tenuous, Amazement, Drunken Vision, Precarious, Weird, Surprise, Curiosity, Vertigo, Uneasy, and Unstable.
Color Responses
Green — 50
Purple — 45
Neither — 26
Didn't See/No Answer — 7
Didn't Notice — 2
Survey Comments
"Every part of my hands sweat, lots."
"It felt more stable, but as I was in it I pictured that it all collapsed and then you sued me for ruining your piece."(referring to the purple room)
"Better color. Also I had my sea legs by that point." (referring to the purple room)
"Well, I got into the purple room and then got anxiety and walked out. So I didn't see the other room. Lol :)"
"Horror/Anxiety/Apprehension. Fragility of string in purple room was extra scary with screws in the wall."
"It awakened me to be focused on the space around me as it really engaged many of my senses."
"I liked the place in between the best." (referring to the hallway separating the rooms)
"Calming, natural color. Helped offset the other emotions I was feeling." (referring to the green room)
"Got too nervous in the purple room to go into the green."
"Concern. Quick check to see who else was in the space with me: 2 strangers. They were smiling."
"At first the tower moving made me gasp, but I 'knew' it must have been purposeful. Then noticed attached to wall was designed string work. Nice to notice slab structuring. Thank you!"
"It was the act of walking and sensing the bending planes. Didn't think about color."
"Wanted to explore but didn't want to break it."
"It was a circus ride. My heart started beating faster. Loved bouncing up and down."
"I felt like I was in a fun house and pictured clowns."
"The tower on its own was freaking me out. I felt like I was going to ruin the rooms by moving at all."
"Anxious for what is to come. Why have people built upon foundations like this? I feel as if this is the structures and livelihoods of people and that our structures are so very precarious."
"Didn't notice the color. I was focused on the structural elements and moving clay noises."
"The green room made me feel nauseous and disoriented."
"Working in the field with the fragile nature of material, it was difficult to feel the precarious nature of the work."
"I am am fairly emotional person in general." (responding to identifying with nearly all of the possible emotions)
"Reminds me of old 1960s bathroom I grew up with." (referring to the green color)
"I enjoyed witnessing others as they entered and felt nervous."
"I felt like I was in space or on some weird planet alien world."
"The bending of the floor and slight motion of the ceramics grinding is unnerving."
"Couldn't fit into the purple room as easily with my wheelchair."
"When I stepped on the floor, I heard the pieces shift and it made me really worried that everything would fall over. But then I went into the green room and liked how bouncy it was. I am into it."
"Room could be painted one of the colors. Didn't feel a strong reaction about the color except why is it there?"
"Amazement- Drunken Vision- transported into a liminal space- like standing on the edge of a cliff and rocking back and forth. The string acted as a symbol of security."
"I felt an immediate sense of peace from the balance of the pieces and bounce of the floor."